EISD begins renovation works after receiving NEIP Hubs Acceleration Grant

EISD begins renovation works after receiving NEIP Hubs Acceleration Grant

As one of the beneficiaries of the $7 million NEIP Hubs Acceleration Grant Programme under the Ghana Economic Transformation Project-GETP, expansion, renovation, refurbishing, and restructuring works have begun in earnest to give our hub the needed facelift and also increase our training capacity from 20 to 70. This includes but is not limited to IT support, greening, and Ideas Space expansion among others.

Ghana Economic Transformation Project has four (4) components, and NEIP’s programmes fall under Component 3 of the project.
Component 3 supports entrepreneurship and SME growth in non-resource-based sectors, and it is aimed at addressing the limited development of the SME and entrepreneurship support ecosystem, including early-stage financing to promote and strengthen a growth model that is conducive to economic transformation, to achieve higher rates of investment and productivity growth across the economy, especially in non-resource-based sectors.

At EISD we believe creating a platform for businesses and people to develop their capacities and see their businesses and ideas thrive is the way to go.

Photos of ongoing works

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